Sunday, March 9, 2008

Arson at a Bon Fire Earns About.....No Cool Points

I went to see the movie Mad Money today. It was a really good movie, and it starred Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah, and Katie Holmes (I think), the first two of whom I am a huge fan. I certainly recommend it.

After returning to my apartment, Moe and I decided to tag along with some people from the ward (for non-Mormons, that is a set congregation at an LDS church) that were going to have a bon fire. I really wasn't excited, but decided to go anyway because a) I didn't feel like doing my laundry and b) I haven't been to a bon fire yet this year and figured I should just to say I went.

The first location was blocked off, so we ended up going to some cabin resort area in the canyon and they built the fire on couple feel of semi-packed snow. And by semi-packed, I mean it was hilarious to watch the group ahead carefully step on the surface with a random one or two dropping knee deep. I could probably watch it all day, especially if one of them is wearing sandals. True story.

So we were there, and I must say we witnessed some of the most retarded things. The winner was the idiot that decided it would be cool to toss the bottle of lighter fluid into the fire with the remaining fuel still inside. Smart, guys. We're all huddled around a fire, and you want to earn your nightly cool points with arson and waste. Oh, and pollution from the melting plastic. Then I remembered I'm in a freshman ward, and some people may not have had sufficient frontal lobe developement to understand that this is a bad idea, and no one will laugh or think you are as hot as you apparently think you are. But anyway, they tossed it in, the fire suddenly grew, everyone jumped back, and I feared for my hair for a second (hairspray).

And then this idiot tries to explain to us that there was no reason to be afraid because it was impossible for the plastic bottle to explode from the lack of pressure. Shut up, wigger. We know. Regardless, a mass quantity of lighter-fluid in a bon fire is not a good idea if everyone is standing close to the fire, especially when everyone will be tripping over the snow to avoid getting their eye brows singed.

People this weekend basically annoyed me, so that's why I may sound more cynical than anything. It'll get better though, promise, lol.

Mmm..... eating a thawed out, pre-cooked chicken teriyaki breast is a delicious midtime snack. The outside burns your mouth, yet the inside is perfectly frozen! Happy mediums are certainly not desireable at this hour.

I love Tracy Chapman. Certainly, she is one of my all-time favorite music artists. And I love this video of her singing, so you should watch it. Love.


Ferrari von Cartier said...

I can't remember...did we get past 45 or what? My favorite part of the night is the random kicking of snow onto the fire. Wtf. Really. Oh, and the scratching up of my arm as I run for my life from an idiot's action. Yaaaaaayyyyyy

Unknown said...

ahhh bon fires are so funn!!!!!! :) :)

when your with competent people.

chaotime said...
