Monday, March 24, 2008

I Love to Edit Papers, But Not If You Can't Handle a Criticism That One Sentence Can't be 7 Lines Long.

Seriously. I really do like to edit papers, so if you want another reader for anything you have to turn in just let me know. In the most non-conceited way, my teacher for my Honors 150 Writing class just told me I make very good critiques and such. So yeah, send them on!

Unless you are like this kid that I just edited a paper for.

We do group critiques for Honors 150 before we turn papers in, and we just wrote research papers on whatever topic that is interesting to us. Mine is on the Causes of Narcissism (dum dum dum, oh yeah, I'm a psychology major), but this person ,who will remain unnamed so that it doesn't haunt my possible political career later in life, wrote on the advantages of private companies and space travel.

And that's fine. I'm all for Trekies writing on what they love. However, if I am to look over your paper and tell you what I think, I am not going to argue with you about stupid things you can't handle others telling you. Such as, when we say, "You use the word propulsion about four times in the same sentence, but in different ways. You should try to think of other synonyms that could be used instead so it is not distracting," do not shoot back "Well it's the only way I can say it!"

Seriously. All I heard from this guy was, "Most people just won't understand my research because it just goes over their heads anyway," or "Well I can't cite it because if I do, I'll have to quote the entire three-page long proof." What are you talking about?

No, last time I checked, you are writing this paper so others will understand. Stop trying to sound like you have a doctorate in physics, you're just a Trekie in a Freshman writing class. And that second quote just doesn't even make sense. No wonder his paper was jsut generally awful.

I should have known in the beginning. With his these statement that was one long, seven-lined sentence, it was going to be tough. Also, it came at the end of a paragraph that was over a page long. Really? Are you serious with this?

People need to be able to take criticisms without thinking others are just attacking their very soul. Quit being defensive, we're trying to help you get a better grade.

Normally, I'm not this annoyed or critical of another person, but he was just ridiculous!

Anyway, I really do like editing papers. So, if you want help with one, just send it to me and I'll tell you what I think.

1 comment:

Matt said...

This post makes me feel warm and happy inside.