Friday, March 7, 2008

A Girl Sitting On the Ground Outside My Window Will Result in Sexual Intercourse. Definitely.

Last night at 2:00am, as I sat at my computer completely frustrated about my psychology essay about anything in the DSM-IV or encyclopedia, Moe wanted to recount a story to me that may be found on her blog (see link).

She did not have a phone to call, however, and did not want to type it all out through messenger. So, she came to my window, I openned it, and she sat outside on the ground while we laughed hysterically for about 15 minutes. After she left, I returned to my desk to write my essay (that ended up just summarizing the broad areas of psychology and opportunities within the field) and soon recieved a text that one of my roommates was upset because it sounded as though a girl snuck in my room in the middle of the night.

*GASP* Heaven forbid that there would be a girl in my room after midnight! And that you would be upset about it because it is completely your business.

No, I actually did not break the Honor Code. The opposite sex was not in my room, not in the apartment after midnight, and there was nothing inappropriate happening. Because you know me, I love those sexual rendez-vous in the middle of the night with Moe where we laugh about clogged toilets. Take your self-righteous attitude (and your awkward use of profanity, for that matter) elsewhere. I don't have time, and I'm not having it.

Seriously. I'm at a university, not a summer camp. I don't need all of these ridiculous rules to keep my pants on. Self-control, people. I hope this bubble pops.

Personally, I think there should be a reality show for people who graduate from BYU and move somewhere far away that follows their reactions. That would make bank. MTV, where are you?

Or maybe that's just me being slightly cynical.


Cambo said...

B-RAT!!! For real. I hate that about BYU. Why can't we just worry about our own sins instead of trying to catch others in theirs? Ugh. Oh, this is Cam, by the way.

Ferrari von Cartier said...

Sometimes I wish we did engage in sexual intercourse... just for a big eff you to you know who.

Smiley said...

hahaha! Insert some inappropriate comment...