Friday, March 14, 2008

Ending an Exam at 12:00 Is Good for Tripping Up Students that Don't Memorize the Syllabus

Honestly, I do not understand the policy where professors may choose to have their last exam administered in the middle of the day.

Why? Are you serious? I don't see and reasoning behind it. Except to trip people who don't read the syllabus every day of their lives.

I guess skipping my daily syllabus reading got me in this. I missed my World Religions exam because, unknown to me, he made the deadline noon. I arrived at the testing center at 3:30 ready to ace Sikhism through Shinto to find out that No. You did not do your daily syllabus exercises. Last exam at 12:00. Screwed.

I love this class, but seriously. At least he provides re-tests for people not happy with their grades for the first two tests. A 0 is a bit sub-par for me, so I guess I'll re-test it.

I did email him, but I think he'll just tell me to do that. Oh well, more study time I guess.

Testing Center is dumb. I like the concept of being able to take a test for a few days and in your own schedule so it does not get in the way of class, but they have all these weird rules. Ending some tests at noon is a great idea because.....................yeah. Oh, and charging $5 for taking some tests on the last day makes sense because...................oh yeah! You're paying $5 for studying more!

Money = study = better grade maybe. That means Money = better grade. Honor Code, is that right? Something seems a bit like....bribery. But never mind, you're the expert on all things moral and right.


Ferrari von Cartier said...

I hear sleeping with your professor could earn some brownie points. Get it? Brownie points?!

Shut up. I hate you.

Cambo said...

Oh, your link to my blog won't work because you have "http" typed twice. Booya.